Gerösteter Rote-Bete-Carpaccio mit Vanille-Fenchel-Vinaigrette


The culinary cosmos is rich in surprising flavor pairings that may seem unusual at first glance, but are in fact a feast for the palate. One such gem is the dish we present today: Roasted Beetroot Carpaccio with Vanilla Fennel Vinaigrette. This recipe stands out from traditional carpaccio variations and takes us into a world of sensual aromas and subtle taste contrasts.

Beetroot, often prized for its earthy sweetness, is caramelized by roasting, further bringing out its natural sweetness. But the real star of this dish is the vinaigrette. The Super Premium Vanilla , with its complex flavor profile, adds a deep, floral sweetness that beautifully complements the earthy beetroot. The fennel, with its aniseed notes, brings freshness and a certain spiciness to the dish, perfectly balancing the sweetness of the vanilla and beetroot.

If you combine all these elements, you get a dish that not only impresses in terms of taste, but also visually. A feast for the senses that will enchant both vegetarians and meat lovers.

The main ingredients in detail:


Beetroot, also known as Beta vulgaris, is not only a visual highlight in the kitchen, but also a real source of nutrients. A nutritional marvel, this tuber offers a plethora of health benefits that are often underestimated.

First, the nutritional value: beets are an excellent source of folic acid, an essential B vitamin involved in DNA synthesis and other cellular functions. It also contains significant amounts of manganese, potassium, and vitamin C. Another ingredient of note is betanin, which gives beetroot its distinctive deep purple color. Betanin is a powerful antioxidant that protects the body from free radicals.

Beetroot offers a variety of health benefits. It can lower blood pressure, improve endurance and has anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, the nitrate contained in beetroot promotes blood circulation, which can be particularly beneficial for athletes.

There are different types of beetroot: from the classic dark red variant to golden and striped varieties. For our beetroot carpaccio dish, we recommend using the traditional dark red beetroot, as it develops a more intense sweetness when roasted and the color is particularly impressive on the plate. However, if one is looking for a less earthy note, golden beetroot could be a suitable alternative.

Overall, beetroot is a remarkably versatile and healthy ingredient that shines both in taste and appearance in this recipe.


Vanilla, often referred to as the "queen of spices," brings a distinctive flavor and rich sweetness to dishes. Not all vanilla products are created equal, however, and choosing a quality vanilla can mean the difference between a good dish and an exceptional one.

The quality of vanilla is determined by its origin, cultivation and processing. When choosing vanilla, you should always pay attention to its origin and quality. This not only guarantees a superior aroma, but also a production that respects the environment and the producers.

Two prominent vanilla species dominate the market: vanilla bean planifolia and vanilla bean tahitensis . Often from Madagascar and Indonesia, planifolia has the classic deep vanilla flavor we all know and love. Tahitensis, on the other hand, has a lighter, more floral profile and often hails from regions like Papua. For our recipe, we recommend Planifolia vanilla beans for a rich aroma or Tahitensis vanilla beans for a more subtle touch.

In addition to the pods , Vanilla Extract Planifolia and Vanilla Extract Tahitensis provide a liquid alternative, ideal for vinaigrettes. For those who prefer a powdered option, vanilla powder is perfect. It combines the intensity of pods with the convenience of a dry spice.


Fennel, with its unmistakable, slightly sweet, aniseed taste, is a true marvel in the culinary world. Its unique aroma adds a special touch to many dishes, from salads to hearty stews.

Let's start with the flavor components: Fennel consists of three main parts - the bulb base, the stems and the tender foliage. While the bulb is often prized for its crisp bite and mild flavor, the stems and foliage offer a more intense aroma that's equally appreciated in the kitchen.

Fennel has a lot to offer in terms of health. It is rich in vitamin C, fiber, potassium and other essential minerals. Fennel also has anti-inflammatory properties and is traditionally used in many cultures to relieve indigestion.

Regarding cultivation and harvest: Fennel prefers temperate climates and is commonly grown in Mediterranean regions and parts of Asia. It is typically planted in spring and can be harvested in late summer to fall. When harvesting, it is important to protect the bulb as it forms the heart of the fennel and is the focus of many culinary creations. A well grown fennel bulb should be firm, white to pale green and free of brown or dry patches.

The recipe: beetroot carpaccio with vanilla fennel vinaigrette

ingredient list

For the beetroot carpaccio:

  • 4 medium-sized beets, washed and peeled
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
  • A few leaves of fresh basil or arugula for garnish
  • Freshly grated parmesan or goat cheese (optional)

For the Vanilla Fennel Vinaigrette:

  • 1 fennel bulb, finely chopped
  • The pulp of 1 vanilla bean of Planifolia or 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla powder or a few drops of Planifolia vanilla extract
  • 1 small shallot, finely diced
  • 3 tablespoons white wine vinegar or apple cider vinegar
  • 6 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
  • 1 tsp honey or maple syrup for a sweet touch (optional)
  • Some fennel seeds (optional)

For the garnish (optional):

  • Toasted walnuts or pecans
  • Fresh herbs like dill or parsley

Preparation and cooking instructions for beetroot carpaccio with vanilla fennel vinaigrette

1. Preparation of the beetroot

First of all, it is important to choose fresh and good quality beets. A sign of freshness is firm skin without wrinkles. Wash the beets thoroughly to remove any dirt or debris. Then cut off the tops and roots. To preserve the valuable nutrients, peel the beets as thinly as possible.

2. Roasting the beets

Preheat your oven to 200°C. Wrap each beetroot in aluminum foil and place on a baking sheet. Roast the beets for about 45 minutes to 1 hour or until tender. The roasting process concentrates the beets' sweet, earthy flavor and emphasizes their natural sweetness.

3. Preparation of the vinaigrette

For the vinaigrette, first chop the fennel very finely. Then scrape out the seeds from 2 Planifolia vanilla pods or use 2 teaspoons of Planifolia vanilla extract . Combine fennel, vanilla pulp or extract, olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper in a bowl and mix well. The combination of vanilla and fennel gives you a uniquely sweet and aromatic vinaigrette.

4. Arranging the carpaccio

After the beetroot has roasted and cooled slightly, cut it into very thin slices. It is best to use a mandolin or a very sharp knife. Place the slices on a carpaccio-style plate - slightly overlapping in a circular pattern. Drape the vinaigrette artfully over the beetroot slices.

5. Serving Instructions

The combination of beetroot and vanilla fennel vinaigrette offers an explosion of flavor and aroma. For the perfect taste experience, the carpaccio should be served at room temperature. To finish, you can sprinkle fresh herbs or nuts on top for added texture and flavor. This dish is perfect as a starter or as a healthy accompaniment to main courses. Since the quality of the ingredients is crucial for the taste, it is important to always use fresh and, if possible, organic products.

Enjoy your beetroot carpaccio with the exquisite note of vanilla and fennel!

Arranging and serving

Serving beetroot carpaccio with vanilla fennel vinaigrette plays a crucial role in bringing out the full flavor and aesthetics of the dish.

Serving the Carpaccio : Thinly slice the roasted beetroot and arrange in a circular pattern, overlapping slightly, on a large, flat plate. The contrast of the deep purple beetroot slices with the creamy white plate will immediately catch the eye. Pour the vanilla fennel vinaigrette on top in gentle swirls, lightly coating each slice.

Side Dishes and Garnishes : Chopped, toasted hazelnuts or walnuts are recommended for added flavor and texture. A hint of coarse sea salt and freshly ground black pepper underscores the sweet notes of beetroot and vanilla. Fresh microgreens or delicate fennel greens not only offer a visual contrast, but also a fresh aroma. Orange or lemon zest can be rubbed on top for an extra pop of color and a hint of citrus flavor.

This artistically arranged carpaccio is ideal as a starter and can be served wonderfully with crusty ciabatta or sourdough bread.

Vinaigrette Variations

Vinaigrettes aren't just dressings for salads, they're versatile sauces that can bring out the flavor and texture of a dish. Although in their simplest form they are oil and acid, the vinaigrette can be refined in myriad directions by adding various ingredients and spices.

Basics of a vinaigrette

The classic vinaigrette consists of a simple ratio: three parts oil to one part acid. The oil serves as a base, giving body to the vinaigrette and helping to carry the flavors of the other ingredients. The acidity, often in the form of vinegar or lemon juice, brings brightness and contrast to the dressing.

To create an emulsion, meaning to bind the oil and acid together, the acid is slowly stirred into the oil while stirring constantly. An emulsifier like mustard or honey can be added to stabilize the two and prevent them from separating.

Adjusting the vinaigrette

  1. Oil Selection : The oil sets the base flavor. Olive oil is a common choice, but other oils like walnut, hazelnut, or grapeseed oil can add flavor dimensions.

  2. Acid Choices : White wine vinegar, red wine vinegar, balsamic or various citrus juices can be used. Each acid brings its own taste nuance.

  3. Sweetness : A hint of sweetness balances the acidity and adds depth to the vinaigrette. Honey, maple syrup, or agave nectar are popular options.

  4. Emulsifiers : Mustard, especially Dijon mustard, is a classic emulsifier. But mayonnaise or egg yolk can also be used to achieve a creamier consistency.

  5. Spices and herbs : Fresh herbs such as parsley, basil or dill add freshness to the vinaigrette. Garlic, shallots, and other spices add another layer of flavor.

  6. Additional Flavors : Ingredients such as grated lemon or orange peel, capers, olives or even pureed fruit can be added for a refined touch.

By experimenting with these basics, you can create countless vinaigrette variations that will enhance any dish. The most important thing is finding the balance between the different flavors and sticking to the fresh and quality ingredients, especially when adding exquisite flavors like that of Super Premium Vanilla .

Lemon Vanilla Vinaigrette:

Lemon Vanilla Vinaigrette is a refreshing and flavorful option that pairs particularly well with summer salads or seafood dishes. The lemon aroma combines wonderfully with the sweet, floral scent of vanilla, creating a harmonious yet contrasting taste.



  1. Whisk all ingredients in a small bowl until well combined.
  2. Season with salt and pepper and adjust as needed.
  3. Before serving, let the vinaigrette stand to allow the flavors to develop. Shake or stir well before plating salad or dish.

Raspberry Vanilla Vinaigrette:

The raspberry vanilla vinaigrette is a tempting mix of sweet and tart, ideal for savory leaf salads, especially those with nuts or goat cheese. The fruity sweetness of the raspberries harmonises perfectly with the gentle aroma of the vanilla.



  1. Mash raspberries in a bowl.
  2. Add olive oil, vanilla extract and balsamic vinegar and mix well.
  3. Season with salt and pepper.
  4. Before serving, stir or shake well and drizzle over desired salad.

Basil Vanilla Vinaigrette:

This exquisite combination of tart basil and sweet vanilla gives every salad an exotic touch.


Preparation: Whisk the ingredients together until well combined and pour over the salad.

Pairing recommendations for beetroot carpaccio with vanilla fennel vinaigrette

When it comes to getting the most out of your Beetroot Carpaccio with Vanilla Fennel Vinaigrette, getting the pairing right is key. A complementary beverage or accompaniment can enhance the depth of flavor in your dish and create a holistic dining experience.

Wine : The earthy flavor of beetroot paired with the sweet undertone of vanilla and the crisp note of fennel pairs best with medium-bodied white wines with fresh acidity. A Chardonnay with minimal oak aging or a Sauvignon Blanc from cool climate regions are ideal candidates. Her citrus and green apple flavors offer a pleasant contrast to the sweetness of vanilla, while her refreshing acidity balances the earthy taste of beetroot.

Bread : A rustic, grainy bread or an olive baguette are great accompaniments to this carpaccio. They offer a savory texture that pairs well with the smoothness of the beetroot, offering a welcome change of pace on the palate.

Cheese : Soft, creamy cheeses like goat cheese or cream cheese with herbs are the perfect complement to this dish. The creamy taste of the cheese provides a nice contrast to the crunchy texture of the fennel and underscores the sweetness of the vanilla vinaigrette.

Dessert : A light, fruity dessert such as a lemon sorbet or a berry tart is recommended to finish off. This completes the dining experience without overwhelming the palate and ensures that the carpaccio's exquisite flavor remains in the foreground.

When it comes to pairing, personal taste is always decisive. So feel free to experiment and find your own perfect combinations!

Drink suggestions for beetroot carpaccio with vanilla fennel vinaigrette:

The beetroot carpaccio with vanilla fennel vinaigrette is a culinary highlight that scores in both taste and presentation. A well-chosen drink can intensify the aromas and complete the taste experience.

White wine : A fresh Sauvignon Blanc from regions such as the Loire Valley or New Zealand emphasizes the fennel with its citrus notes and light herbal aromas and balances the sweetness of the vanilla.

Rosé : A dry, slightly mineral rosé can bring out the earthy tones of the beetroot while providing a refreshing contrast to the vinaigrette.

Lemon Sparkling Water : For those who prefer no alcohol, a sparkling mineral water with a squeeze of lemon is a great choice. The citrus notes complement the fennel and vinaigrette for an invigorating finish.

Craft beer : A light wheat beer or a saison with citrus or herbal notes can be an interesting and refreshing pairing that complements the complexity of the dish.

Every sip should enhance the taste experience of the beetroot carpaccio so that both food and drink are in harmonious balance.

Ideas for appetizers and desserts to complement the beetroot carpaccio:

Appetizers :

  1. Creamy Pumpkin Soup with Vanilla : A velvety pumpkin soup with a hint of vanilla extract combines sweet and savory flavors and provides a warming introduction to the main course.

  2. Goat's cheese patties with honey and pine nuts : The flavor of the goat's cheese harmonises beautifully with the sweet honey and roasted pine nuts, offering a creamy, crunchy combination that prepares the palate for the carpaccio.

Desserts :

  1. Vanilla Panna Cotta with Berry Compote : A classic Italian dessert enhanced with the use of super-premium vanilla beans . The berry compote brings freshness and acidity into play.

  2. Chocolate Mousse with Vanilla Salted Caramel : The bittersweetness of chocolate combined with the rich aroma of vanilla salted caramel offers a decadent conclusion to a fine meal. With the addition of high-quality vanilla extract , the caramel acquires a special depth and complexity that takes the entire dessert to a new level. It is not only a taste experience, but also a real pleasure for all senses. It's worth investing in premium vanilla extract to make this dessert truly stand out.

Inspired by vanilla, these appetizers and desserts create a coherent, well-rounded menu that is sure to impress any guest.

Conclusion and final thoughts:

The beetroot carpaccio with vanilla fennel vinaigrette is more than just a simple dish: it is a culinary journey that shows us the unlimited possibilities of how different flavors can complement and harmonize. The deep earthy aroma of beetroot paired with the sensuous sweetness of super-premium vanilla and the spicy note of fennel create a taste experience that is as unforgettable as it is unexpected.

While many people immediately think of sweet desserts when they think of vanilla, this recipe impressively shows how versatile and changeable the queen of spices can be in savory cuisine. She can be both an accent and a star of the court, depending on how you use her.

The most important thing about this recipe - and every other one - is the use of fresh, high-quality ingredients. Especially with a spice as special as vanilla, quality can mean the difference between a good dish and a great one.

May this dish inspire you to experiment in your own kitchen and discover the wonderful versatility of vanilla. It invites you to question traditions and cross culinary borders. Bon appetit!