Vanille Milch: Dein neues Lieblingsgetränk - Rezepte und Variationen

Welcome, dear readers!

It is always a pleasure to welcome you to our blog, where we delve into the wonderful world of vanilla together. Today we are dedicating ourselves to a very special topic: vanilla milk.

Vanilla milk is a true taste miracle that we want to take a closer look at today. The combination of sweet, aromatic vanilla and creamy, refreshing milk is simply irresistible and offers endless possibilities. Whether it's a delicious refreshment on a hot summer's day, a warming drink on a cold winter's evening, or the base for a range of sweet and savory dishes, vanilla milk is a versatile treat that's a must-have in your kitchen.

In the coming sections, we will not only introduce you to the intricacies and peculiarities of vanilla milk, but also present a number of delicious recipes that are sure to delight you. We will illuminate the wonderful world of vanilla milk from different perspectives, while going into the quality and origin of our vanilla.

But before we dive deep, we invite you to take a look at our classic vanilla recipes . There you will find a collection of recipes that highlight the versatility of vanilla and its harmonious association with a wide variety of ingredients. Maybe you will find some inspiration there before we dive into the world of vanilla milk together.

We are excited to bring you these wonderful recipes and uses and hope you enjoy experimenting and enjoying them as much as we do. So settle in, get your notebooks out, and get excited for what's to come. Let's dive together into the sweet, aromatic universe of vanilla milk!

The peculiarities of vanilla milk

Dear readers, let's delve deeper into the wonderful world of vanilla milk and find out what makes this wonderful drink so special.

Vanilla milk isn't just milk with a hint of vanilla. It is a delicious symbiosis of creamy texture and beguiling aroma, which combines to create an absolute taste experience. The velvety sweetness of vanilla and the refreshing smoothness of milk complement each other perfectly, creating a drink that is both rich and invigorating.

The key to the perfect vanilla milk lies in the quality of the vanilla. At Super Premium Vanilla we take the utmost care in our vanilla selection as we believe that the quality of the vanilla has a significant impact on the final product. We have two particular collections that are ideal for making vanilla milk: our Planifolia collection and our Tahitensis collection .

Planifolia vanilla, also known as Madagascar vanilla, is known for its strong, sweet and creamy aroma that blends beautifully with milk, giving it luxurious depth. In contrast, Tahitensis vanilla has an exotic, floral profile with hints of cherry, fig and liquorice, lending an intriguing complexity to vanilla milk.

The art of making the perfect vanilla milk is finding the right balance between the milk and the vanilla. The vanilla should enrich the milk, not overwhelm it. In the following paragraphs we will show you how to achieve this balance and inspire you to develop your own delicious creations.

But before we get to that, let's stop for a moment and celebrate the real star of this drink: vanilla. With her unique ability to enhance and refine other flavors, she is a true queen in the kitchen. Whether in our Planifolia collection or our Tahitensis collection, she always brings a magical touch to any dish or drink.

So prepare yourself for a wonderful journey of the senses, in which together we will master the art of creating the perfect vanilla milk. It's a journey of delicious discoveries and aromatic wonders that will take you through the fascinating world of vanilla in all its diversity.

Basic recipe for vanilla milk

It's time to focus on crafting our delicious star performer, Vanilla Milk. This seductive liquid is more than just a drink. It is an invitation to surrender to the sweet taste of tranquility and a moment of pure sensuality.

Our Homemade Vanilla Milk recipe is simple and straightforward, but requires quality ingredients to reach its full potential. The most important are of course our "Large Vanilla Beans Planifolia" and our "Vanilla Powder" .



  1. Put the milk in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Be careful not to let the milk boil over.

  2. While the milk is heating, halve the "large vanilla bean planifolia" lengthwise and scrape out the vanilla pulp with the back of a knife. If you use our "vanilla powder" you can skip this step.

  3. Once the milk is boiling, add the vanilla bean and seeds (or vanilla powder). Stir well to ensure the vanilla is evenly distributed.

  4. Simmer the milk over low heat to allow the vanilla to develop its full flavor. This usually takes about 10 to 15 minutes.

  5. After the milk has steeped enough, add the sugar and stir well until completely dissolved. The amount of sugar depends entirely on your personal taste.

  6. Finally, remove the vanilla pod and pour the milk through a fine sieve to remove any residue.

And voila! Your homemade vanilla milk is ready to enjoy. Whether warm or cold, it is a real treat for all the senses.

While this basic recipe is already awesome, there are numerous ways to customize it to suit your personal preferences. In the following section we will introduce some of them. So stay tuned and prepare to take your taste buds on an exciting culinary adventure!

Recipe 1: Vanilla Milkshake

When we think of summer, sun and the ultimate taste sensation, the first thing that comes to mind is a heavenly vanilla milkshake!

With its velvety soft texture and the unmistakable taste of our "Large Vanilla Bean Planifolia" or our "Vanilla Powder" , this milkshake is an ultimate treat and a perfect refreshment on a hot day.

So why are we still waiting? Let's dive right in and prepare this creamy dream!


  • 500 ml homemade vanilla milk (prepared as in the basic recipe)
  • 3 scoops of high quality vanilla ice cream
  • sugar to taste
  • Whipped cream and a "large vanilla bean planifolia" for decoration


  1. First, take your blender and add the vanilla milk, vanilla ice cream, and sugar. Mix everything together until it reaches a smooth, frothy consistency.

  2. Now that your creamy vanilla milkshake is all mixed, it's time to serve it! Pour into a tall glass, making sure to leave some space on top for the whipped cream.

  3. Top your milkshake with a generous amount of whipped cream and top with half a "vanilla planifolia bean" to give it a luxurious touch.

And there you have it - a refreshing, creamy vanilla milkshake that will turn any summer moment into a heavenly escape. It's the perfect treat to sit back and enjoy life's sweet moments.

But wait, there's more! In the next part we will embark on another delicious way to enjoy vanilla milk. So stay tuned and prepare to discover even more heavenly delights.

Recipe 2: Hot vanilla milk

Now that we've explored the wonderful world of vanilla milkshakes, it's time to slow down and create something perfect for chilly evenings or just cozy time at home. Yes, you guessed right! We're talking about the soothing, warming, and absolutely enchanting hot vanilla milk.

This comforting drink, prepared with our homemade vanilla milk and a hint of "large vanilla bean planifolia" or "vanilla powder" , is a perfect blend of flavor and comfort, and is sure to lull you into a gentle slumber.

So let's not waste any more time and get straight to the recipe!



  1. Start by adding your homemade vanilla milk to a saucepan and warming it over medium-high heat. Be careful not to let the milk boil.

  2. Add your honey or sugar and keep stirring until the sweetener is completely dissolved.

  3. Once your vanilla milk is nice and warm, pour it into your favorite mug. Garnish with a small piece of "Large Vanilla Bean Planifolia" or sprinkle some "Vanilla Powder" on top to intensify the vanilla aroma.

And voilà, your hot vanilla milk is ready to enjoy! Take a moment to appreciate the comforting warmth and alluring aroma of this simple yet luxurious drink. It's the perfect way to end a long day and prepare for a good night's sleep.

But wait, there's more! In the next part we will devote ourselves to another exciting recipe. So stay tuned for more delicious vanilla adventures.

Recipe 3: Vanilla milk coffee

Do you love the savory taste of coffee but are you looking for ways to improve it? Look no further! Our next recipe is sure to take your love of coffee to a whole new level. Imagine your cup of joe meeting the sweet and creamy vanilla milk. The result? An incomparable vanilla milk coffee!

This recipe uses our homemade vanilla milk and harnesses the depth of coffee and the sweetness of vanilla to create a drink that will lift you up in the morning or spice things up in the afternoon. With the intense flavors of "Large Vanilla Bean Planifolia" or "Powdered Vanilla", it's like having a café experience in your own home.

Let us begin!


  • 200 ml strong, freshly brewed coffee
  • 300 ml homemade vanilla milk (prepared as in the basic recipe)
  • Sugar or other sweetener to taste
  • A small piece of "large vanilla bean planifolia" or a pinch of "vanilla powder" for decoration (optional)


  1. Start by pouring your freshly brewed coffee into a large cup or mug.

  2. Heat your homemade vanilla milk in a saucepan over medium-high heat. Be careful not to let the milk boil.

  3. Add your warm vanilla milk to the coffee and stir well.

  4. Add sugar or other sweetener to taste and stir until dissolved.

  5. Garnish your vanilla latte with a small piece of "Large Vanilla Bean Planifolia" or sprinkle some "Vanilla Powder" on top for an extra vanilla kick.

Take a sip and feel the rich vanilla and robust coffee blend beautifully. This vanilla latte is sure to enrich your repertoire of coffee variations and will quickly become a favourite.

Stay tuned because we have another exciting recipe we want to share with you! It's a true vanilla experience that you won't want to miss.

Vanilla milk pairing ideas

There's nothing cozier than a steaming cup of vanilla milk, but have you ever thought about how to pair it with other foods? In this section we will explore the versatile nature of vanilla milk and give you some ideas on how to enhance your experience with it.

  1. With Pastries: Vanilla Milk goes great with a variety of pastries. Try them with a freshly baked croissant or a warm piece of cinnamon roll. The rich creaminess of the vanilla milk perfectly complements the crunchy and sweet pastries.

  2. With fruit: The sweetness of vanilla milk also goes very well with fresh fruit. Try it with berries, peaches or bananas. You can even dip the fruit in the vanilla milk or slice it and add it for a tasty and healthy addition.

  3. With Cake: Whether it's a dense chocolate cake or a light vanilla sponge cake, a slice of cake and a cup of vanilla milk make the perfect dessert pairing. The vanilla in the milk brings out the flavors in the cake and provides a satisfying taste experience.

  4. With coffee or tea: As we have seen in our recipes, vanilla milk goes great with hot drinks such as coffee and tea. Whether you're using it as a creamer or infusing a flavored tea, vanilla milk can add an extra depth and sweetness to any hot beverage.

  5. With Spices: The warmth and sweetness of spices like cinnamon, nutmeg and cardamom can complement the flavors of vanilla milk beautifully. Sprinkle a little milk on top of your hot vanilla, or add during the simmer to create a flavored twist.

Overall, there are endless ways to enjoy and combine vanilla milk. We hope these pairing ideas will inspire you to create your own delicious combinations. Always remember that the most important thing when cooking and pairing is your own creativity and taste. Have fun experimenting!

And don't forget to share your experiences and ideas in the comments. We are happily looking forward to hearing from you!

Experiment with Vanilla Milk: More Variations and Ideas

Vanilla milk is a versatile and unique element in the kitchen that can add extra depth and complexity to both sweet and savory dishes. In this section we would like to share with you some creative ideas and variations on how to use vanilla milk in your everyday cooking. Here are some of our favorite ideas:

  1. Vanilla Milk in Soups: Yes, you read that right! Try adding a dash of vanilla milk to creamy soups like pumpkin, carrot, or onion. The vanilla enhances the natural sweetness of these vegetables and adds a subtle and interesting flavor to the soup.

  2. Vanilla Milk in Sauces: Vanilla milk can also be a great ingredient for both sweet and savory sauces. Try it in a creamy alfredo sauce for pasta or in a sweet caramel sauce for desserts. The vanilla adds an extra layer of flavor and sweetness that really makes these sauces stand out.

  3. Vanilla Milk in Smoothies: Use vanilla milk instead of regular milk in your smoothies for an extra flavor boost. It goes particularly well with smoothies with banana, berries or peach.

  4. Vanilla Milk in Baked Goods: Replace the regular milk in your baking recipes with vanilla milk for an extra vanilla flavor. It's especially good in recipes for cakes, muffins, and pancakes.

  5. Vanilla Milk in Drinks: Vanilla milk can also be used to add a unique twist to cocktails and mocktails. Try it in a White Russian, a milk punch, or even a mojito for a unique twist.

  6. Vanilla milk in oatmeal or muesli: Cook your oatmeal in vanilla milk for a delicious and flavorful breakfast. You can also add it to your muesli for a sweet start to the day.

These are just a few of the many ways you can experiment with vanilla milk in your kitchen. We hope these ideas will inspire you to find your own creative uses for this versatile product. As always, we look forward to seeing your own recipes and experiments. Feel free to share them in the comments below!

We learned a lot about the wonderful world of vanilla milk in this blog post. From its unique flavor dimension and versatility in the kitchen to the many creative recipes and ways to use it - vanilla milk is truly a treasure to be discovered.

We've seen how easy and rewarding it can be to make your own homemade vanilla milk. With our "Large Vanilla Beans Planifolia" and our "Vanilla Powder" you have everything you need to make a rich, aromatic and delicious vanilla milk that will pass any taste test.

Our recipe suggestions for vanilla milkshakes, hot vanilla milk and vanilla milk coffee show the many uses of this aromatic milk. Whether as a cooling, creamy treat on a hot summer's day, a warming nightcap on a chilly night, or a modern twist on your morning coffee - Vanilla Milk is an enrichment for every occasion.

The possibilities for vanilla milk don't end with beverages. Our discussion of pairing ideas and additional recipe variations showed that vanilla milk can shine in savory dishes as well. Whether in soups, sauces, smoothies, baked goods, cocktails or breakfast cereal - vanilla milk brings a sweet, aromatic note to every course.

Finally, we encourage you to experiment with vanilla milk in your own kitchen. Share your own recipes and variations with us and the community. We love seeing how creative our readers are with our products and would love to see your unique creations. Feel free to tag us on Instagram or Facebook, or leave a comment below. And don't forget to use our "Planifolia Large Vanilla Beans" and "Powdered Vanilla" for best results.

Thank you for joining us on this aromatic journey through the world of vanilla milk. We hope you are as excited as we are and look forward to your comments and feedback. Until next time!