Hast du schon mal Vanille im Burger probiert? Der Vanille-Zwiebel-Marmelade-Burger wird dich begeistern!

Hello dear connoisseurs and friends of good taste! Let's conjure up a burger together that combines the hearty power of a juicy patty with the subtle sweetness of onions and the unexpected sophistication of vanilla. The Vanilla Onion Jam Burger is more than just a meal - it's a real experience.

We start with the heart of our burger, the patty. Whether you buy them from your trusted butcher or make them yourself is entirely up to you. The main thing is that the patties are juicy and flavorful. A pinch of salt and pepper is enough to bring out the natural flavor of the meat.

Now for the vanilla onion jam, this burger's unique twist. The ingredients are:

  • 4 large onions
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 1 vanilla bean
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Thinly slice the onions and slowly caramelize them in the butter in a large skillet over medium-high heat. This process takes time and patience to develop the full aroma of the onions. When they are soft and sweet, add the brown sugar. Stir until dissolved and forms a sticky base.

Now the vanilla comes into play. Split the pod lengthways and scrape out the pulp. Both pulp and pod go into the pan with the onions. Season with salt and pepper, simmer the mixture over low heat until well combined and fragrant, about 10 minutes more.

While the jam is simmering, it's time to grill the burger patties. Grilled or pan fried, it's entirely up to you. Fry them to your liking, but remember that a good burger should be juicy.

The burger buns are toasted so that they are crispy and can absorb the juices from the patty and jam.

When the patties are ready, it's time to assemble: bottom bun, a moist patty, a generous helping of the vanilla onion jam, maybe a lettuce leaf for freshness, and the top bun. And voila, your vanilla onion jam burger is ready to enjoy!

This burger offers an exciting play of flavors and textures - the sweetness and tenderness of the onion jam, the tangy juiciness of the patty, the freshness of the lettuce and the crunch of the bun. A real treat!