Vanille-gegrillter Spargel: Sommerliches Highlight auf dem Grill

When it comes to summer barbecues, we often think of meat or fish first. But how about a new, unusual side dish that is guaranteed to cause a stir? Try our vanilla grilled asparagus! The addition of vanilla gives the asparagus a unique, slightly sweet note that harmonises perfectly with the smoky aroma from the grill. The asparagus is tender and lightly caramelized - a real taste experience!

Ingredients :

  • 1 kg of green asparagus
  • 2 vanilla beans
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil
  • salt and pepper

Preparation :

  1. First, prepare the asparagus: wash them thoroughly and cut off the lower, woody end. You don't have to peel green asparagus. Set the asparagus aside.

  2. Now for the vanilla: Cut the vanilla pods lengthwise and scrape out the pulp with a knife. Put the vanilla pulp and the scraped out pods in a bowl.

  3. Add the olive oil to the bowl with the vanilla. Mix everything well so that the vanilla is distributed in the oil.

  4. Place the asparagus in a shallow dish and pour over the vanilla oil. Rub the oil into the asparagus with your hands so that all spears are well coated. Let the asparagus marinate for about 30 minutes.

  5. Preheat the grill. When the grill is ready, place the asparagus on top and grill until tender and lightly caramelized. Depending on the thickness of the sticks, this will take about 10-15 minutes. Turn the asparagus several times during grilling so that it cooks evenly.

  6. Remove the asparagus from the grill and season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve hot as an accompaniment to your favorite grilled dish or enjoy as a main course!

This vanilla grilled asparagus is a wonderful way to combine the best of the asparagus and grill season. The sweetness of the vanilla underlines the natural aroma of the asparagus and offers an exciting alternative to conventional grilled side dishes. Try it out and let yourself be surprised!