Madagaskar Vanille: Eine Reise durch das Land des Geschmacks

Hello dear readers,

Welcome back to our blog at We hope you enjoy your journey through the fascinating world of vanilla as much as we do. Today we have a very special topic for you, one that has a strong connection to our own heart: vanilla from Madagascar.

It's no secret that Madagascar, the magnificent island off the coast of East Africa, is considered the jewel in the crown of vanilla production. Madagascar is not only known for its breathtaking biodiversity and unique landscapes, but also for producing the best and finest vanilla in the world. Today we want to celebrate this noble star of flavors and give you some insights into why Madagascar Vanilla is so special.

Vanilla is far more than just an ingredient in your kitchen. It is a true work of art from nature, a gift that is ennobled with passion and hard work. And nowhere in the world is this more evident than in Madagascar, where the production of vanilla has deep cultural meaning and is the livelihood of countless people.

In this blog post, we take you on a journey to Madagascar, the heart of vanilla production. We'll look at the different varieties of vanilla grown on this stunning island and meet the people who dedicate their lives to this fascinating plant. Of course, we will also share some "classic recipes with vanilla" that will inspire you to take your culinary creations to the next level.

So buckle up and prepare for an aromatic journey that will awaken your senses and ignite your passion for vanilla. Because as we always say, vanilla is more than just a spice, it's a lifestyle! Welcome to the world of Madagascar vanilla!

Madagascar: the land of vanilla

Also known as the "Red Island Paradise", Madagascar is the fourth largest island in the world and a true treasure trove of biodiversity. Located off the southeastern coast of Africa, this remarkable island is home to some of the world's most unique ecosystems. But that's not all Madagascar has to offer. It is also home to the world's finest and most coveted vanilla.

Geography and Climate: A perfect home for vanilla

The climate and geography of Madagascar play a crucial role in the production of exceptional quality vanilla. Vanilla thrives in tropical climates and Madagascar, with its proximity to the equator and unique microclimates, offers ideal conditions for growing this demanding orchid species.

The climate in Madagascar is primarily tropical, with warm, humid summers and milder, drier winters. This provides ideal conditions for growing vanilla, which needs high temperatures and a constant supply of moisture to thrive. The north-east coast of Madagascar in particular, with its plentiful rainfall and even temperatures, has proven to be ideal for vanilla cultivation.

Soil quality: the secret of taste

The quality of the soil in Madagascar plays an equally important role in the exceptional vanilla that is produced here. The island's volcanic soils are rich in nutrients and provide the perfect environment for vanilla plants to grow to their full potential. It is this unique blend of climate and soil that gives Malagasy vanilla its unparalleled flavor and rich aroma.

An amazing cultivation: vanilla in harmony with nature

However, it is not just the climate and soil that make Madagascar an ideal place to grow vanilla. It is also the way vanilla is grown on the island that contributes to the production of top quality products. Vanilla cultivation in Madagascar is carried out using traditional methods that have been tried and tested over generations.

Vanilla is grown here on small family plantations, often no larger than one hectare. The farmers who dedicate their lives to growing this fascinating plant use their deep knowledge and experience to maximize the quality of their vanilla. Great importance is attached to sustainable cultivation methods that protect the ecosystem and at the same time deliver a high yield.

The pearl of vanilla: Planifolia from Madagascar

Madagascar vanilla, specifically the "large vanilla bean planifolia", is highly coveted in the culinary world for its exceptional quality and rich aroma. Also known as Bourbon vanilla, this variety is high in vanillin, the main flavoring compound in vanilla, and offers an unparalleled rich and complex aroma.

So Madagascar really is the land of vanilla. With its unique climate, fertile soil and traditional way of growing vanilla, Madagascar has earned its place as the world leader in vanilla production. It is this union of people, land and plant that puts Madagascar vanilla in a class of its own. It's not just a product, it's a work of art created by the nature and people of Madagascar.

The History of Vanilla in Madagascar

The relationship between vanilla and Madagascar is deep and complex, embedded in a history of trade, colonialism and agricultural innovation. The cultivation of vanilla has greatly influenced the life and culture of the Malagasy people and has become one of the most important economic activities on the island.

Early beginnings and influences

Vanilla, a species of orchid originally from Mexico, found its way to Madagascar by European colonizers in the 19th century. Prior to its introduction to Madagascar, vanilla was a luxury commodity in Europe, extremely expensive due to its rarity and the difficulty of growing it outside of Mexico.

Vanilla first made its way to Europe with Spain's conquest of Mexico and soon became a prized ingredient in European cuisine. However, vanilla production has remained limited to Mexico due to its complex pollination requirements. This fact only changed when the method of hand pollination was developed in the 19th century. This invention opened up the possibility of growing vanilla in other parts of the world, including Madagascar.

The Colonial Period and the Cultivation of Vanilla

French colonizers brought vanilla to Madagascar in the 19th century in hopes of creating an alternative to Mexican vanilla production. By using the hand pollination method and taking advantage of the island's ideal climate and fertile soil, the French managed to cultivate vanilla on a large scale.

Initially, the cultivation of vanilla was limited to a few plantations controlled by the colonial rulers. But over time, local farmers also started growing vanilla on their own small plots. Although vanilla production began in colonial times, it has since evolved and adapted greatly and is now an important part of Malagasy culture and economy.

Vanilla in modern Madagascar

In modern-day Madagascar, the vanilla industry is an important industry, providing employment and income for many people on the island. Madagascar produces about 80% of the world's vanilla and demand for this prized spice crop remains high.

Modern vanilla production in Madagascar is characterized by a combination of traditional and modern methods. While many of the farming methods used by local farmers are based on traditional knowledge, there are also increasing efforts to improve and modernize production methods to increase yields and improve quality.

There are a variety of vanilla cultivars grown in Madagascar, including the " Planifolia from Madagascar ", " Planifolia Red Madagascar ", and the " Pompona Pod Hybrid from Madagascar ". Each strain brings its own unique flavors and characteristics, and all benefit from the ideal growing conditions that Madagascar offers.

So the history of vanilla in Madagascar is one of adaptation, innovation and cultural exchange. From its humble beginnings as an imported plant to the dominant role it plays in the Malagasy economy today, the Malagasy vanilla varieties - featured in our " Planifolia Madagascar Collection " - are testaments to that impressive history.

From seed to pod: vanilla cultivation in Madagascar

Growing vanilla is an art that requires patience, skill and attention to detail. In Madagascar, the largest vanilla producer in the world, this art has been refined and passed down through generations. In this section we take a detailed look at the process behind growing vanilla in Madagascar, from seed to harvest.

sowing and germination

It all starts with sowing the vanilla seeds. The vanilla plant is an orchid and its seeds are extremely small and difficult to germinate. In nature, they need the presence of a special fungus to germinate. In Madagascar, farmers often use the method of vegetative propagation, which involves taking sections of a mature plant and planting them in moist soil for rooting.

growth and maintenance

After germination, the young vanilla plant begins to grow. It is a climbing plant that clings to nearby trees or support posts. Farmers need to regularly inspect the young plants and give them guidance if necessary to ensure they are growing healthily and developing properly.

flowering and pollination

The vanilla plant flowers only once a year, and each flower only stays open for a single day. In this short window of time, farmers must pollinate the flowers by hand, a process perfected in Madagascar. Pollination is a critical step in vanilla cultivation: if successful, the flower begins to produce a green pod that we know as a vanilla bean.

maturation and harvest

After pollination, it takes about nine months for the vanilla beans to mature. During this time, farmers carefully monitor the pods to ensure they are not attacked by pests or rotting. Harvesting vanilla beans is a labor-intensive process, as each pod must be individually and hand-picked when it has reached just the right degree of ripeness.

fermentation and drying

After being harvested, the vanilla beans go through a fermentation and drying process that gives them their characteristic aroma and dark colour. The pods are first soaked in hot water to start the fermentation process and then dried in the sun. This process takes several weeks and requires constant monitoring and adjustment.

sorting and packing

Finally, after the vanilla beans have dried, they are sorted by size, quality and aroma. The best pods are often classified as "Grade A" or "Gourmet" vanilla, like our Planifolia Red Madagascar or the impressive Pompona pod hybrid . After sorting, the pods are packed and ready for shipping and sale.

The process of growing vanilla is indeed a labor of love. Each stage requires care, attention, and a lot of hard work. But the result - the rich, complex and seductive note of Madagascar vanilla - is more than worth it. It's no wonder Madagascar is known for its premium vanilla and that products like our Madagascar Planifolia are loved by chefs and gourmet lovers the world over.

Madagascar Vanilla: Varieties and Properties

Known worldwide for its exceptional vanilla production, Madagascar offers a wide variety of varieties, each with unique flavor profiles and uses. In this section we want to focus on the main varieties grown in Madagascar: "Planifolia Red Madagascar", "Pompona Pod Hybrid" and "Planifolia from Madagascar".

Planifolia Red Madagascar

Planifolia Red Madagascar is a high-quality vanilla variety known for its intense and complex aroma. Also known as Bourbon vanilla, it comes from the orchid species Vanilla planifolia.

The pods of this strain are often longer and thicker than other strains and are deep red in color, hence the name. They have a high moisture rate, which contributes to their rich and full flavor. Her aroma is rich and creamy with a pronounced sweet and fruity undertone reminiscent of dried fruits.

Excellent in a variety of sweet and savory dishes, Planifolia Red Madagascar is ideal for flavoring baked goods, sauces, ice cream and beverages.

Pompona pod hybrid

The Pompona pod hybrid is another notable vanilla strain from Madagascar. It is a hybrid of Vanilla planifolia and Vanilla pompona, resulting in a vanilla bean that is unique in both aroma and texture.

The Pompona pod hybrid is known for its impressive size - the pods can grow up to 23cm long. It is characterized by its strong, spicy and exotic aroma, which is often described as more woody and smoky compared to the traditional Planifolia.

This vanilla is ideal for applications that require a more intense and unique taste. It can be used in both sweet and savory recipes, giving them a deep and intriguing flavor.

Planifolia from Madagascar

The Planifolia from Madagascar represents the classic Malagasy vanilla, valued worldwide for its high quality and rich aroma. It is the result of the attentive work of Malagasy farmers, who carry out each step in the cultivation process with care and dedication.

The pods of the Madagascar planifolia are dark brown, moist and flexible, indicating their excellent quality. Her taste is sweet and creamy with hints of caramel and chocolate, and her aroma is warm and inviting with hints of dried fruit.

Madagascar planifolia is very versatile and can be used in a wide range of recipes, from baked goods and desserts to drinks and even savory dishes. It is also an excellent choice for homemade vanilla extract.

These vanilla varieties are just a few examples of the variety and quality of vanilla produced in Madagascar. Each variety brings its own unique flavor and character to your kitchen, allowing you to explore a world of rich and complex flavors.

The economic and social importance of vanilla production in Madagascar

Vanilla production plays a crucial role in Madagascar's economy and society and over the years has become one of the country's most important sources of income.

A cornerstone of the economy

Madagascar's economy is heavily influenced by agriculture, which accounts for about a quarter of gross domestic product (GDP) and employs almost 80% of the population. Among the various agricultural products, vanilla stands out. It is one of the country's main exports and accounts for a significant part of the national income.

Madagascar is the world's largest producer of vanilla, and more than 80% of the world's traded vanilla comes from this country. The vanilla industry is therefore an important engine for the Malagasy economy. It generates revenue, encourages foreign trade and creates jobs in the rural communities where most vanilla is grown.

social impact

Vanilla production also has significant social impacts. In the rural areas of Madagascar, where unemployment is high and opportunities are limited, vanilla production provides people with a valuable source of income. It enables farmers and their families to earn a stable income and improve their quality of life.

In addition, vanilla production has an impact on community development. Proceeds from vanilla exports are often reinvested in education, health and infrastructure projects that help improve living conditions in rural communities.

challenges and future perspectives

Although vanilla production plays an important role in Madagascar's economy and society, the industry faces several challenges. These include climate changes that lead to unstable weather conditions and crop failures, as well as problems such as poverty, a lack of education and a lack of infrastructure in rural growing areas.

Despite these challenges, there is also hope. Demand for natural vanilla is increasing around the world and Madagascar is well positioned to capitalize on this trend. Investments in sustainable farming practices and infrastructure improvements are expected to increase production capacity and further improve the quality of Madagascan vanilla.

In addition, more and more companies and consumers are recognizing the social and ecological impact of their purchasing decisions and prefer products that are produced fairly and sustainably. This trend presents an opportunity to improve the working conditions and wages of vanilla farmers and promote the sustainable development of rural communities in Madagascar.

In summary, vanilla production is an integral part of life in Madagascar. It has both economic and social impacts and offers people a chance for a better life. Despite the challenges, there is hope for a sustainable and fair future for the vanilla industry in Madagascar.

The use of Madagascar vanilla in cooking

Madagascar vanilla, with its rich, creamy and sweet aroma, is a true delicacy that should not be missing in any kitchen. Their unique aroma can take both sweet and savory dishes to a new level. In this section, we present some classic vanilla recipes that show the full spectrum of Madagascan vanilla and help you get the most out of this extraordinary ingredient.

Vanilla creme brulee

Let's start with an absolute classic: the vanilla crème brûlée. This traditional French dessert consists of rich and creamy vanilla custard topped with a thin layer of crunchy caramel. The sweet and creamy flavors of Madagascar Vanilla are absolutely perfect here. The key component of this recipe is the "Planifolia from Madagascar", whose distinct and sweet aroma gives depth and complexity to the crème brûlée.

Vanilla Bean Butter

For a simple yet flavorful recipe, try the vanilla bean butter. This butter is enriched with the finely chopped "Planifolia Red Madagascar" for a flavorful and versatile side dish that is delicious on savory toast as well as warm pancakes or muffins. The strong and fruity taste of Red Madagascar adds an incomparable depth of flavor to the butter.

vanilla icecream

Another classic is the vanilla ice cream. Homemade vanilla ice cream with real Madagascar vanilla is a real treat. The "Pompona Schoten Hybrid" is the perfect choice in this case. With its sweet and slightly spicy note, it gives the ice cream an extraordinary depth and sophistication.

Vanilla Mousse

For a light and airy dessert, we recommend a vanilla mousse. Made with cream, egg yolk and the "Planifolia Red Madagascar", this mousse is to die for. It is creamy, rich and has a wonderfully sweet and fruity taste thanks to the Red Madagascar vanilla.

vanilla tea

Last but not least, the vanilla tea. This simple yet aromatic tea is made with hot water and a split "planifolia from Madagascar". Infusing the sweet and creamy aroma of vanilla, the tea provides a calming and soothing drink perfect for unwinding after a long day.

These recipes are just a starting point. The possibilities of using Madagascar vanilla in the kitchen are almost unlimited. Whether in sweet desserts, savory dishes or drinks, Madagascan vanilla adds an exceptional depth of flavor to any dish. Experiment, be creative and discover the wonderful world of Madagascar vanilla.

Purchase of Madagascar Vanilla

Madagascar vanilla is a valuable ingredient that should not be missing in any well-stocked kitchen. However, not every vanilla bean is created equal and when looking to buy Madagascar vanilla there are a few things to keep in mind. In this section we give you some tips on how to buy and store the best Madagascar vanilla.

quality and authenticity

The quality of the vanilla bean is critical to the flavor it delivers. High-quality vanilla beans from Madagascar are rich, oily and rich in vanillin, the main flavoring compound in vanilla. They should be dark brown to black in color and have a shiny surface. If you squeeze the pod lightly, it should feel pliable and soft, not hard or crunchy.

Unfortunately, there are many inferior or counterfeit products on the market. Be sure to buy your vanilla from a reputable retailer. With Super-Premium-Vanilla you can be sure that you are getting real, high-quality Madagascar vanilla. Our Planifolia Madagascar Collection offers a selection of premium Madagascar vanilla beans that are sustainably and ethically sourced.


Once you've bought your Madagascar vanilla beans, it's important that you store them properly to preserve their flavor and aroma. Vanilla beans should be stored in an airtight container and kept away from light, heat, and moisture. A dark, cool closet is ideal. Avoid storing vanilla in the refrigerator as this can lead to moisture build-up and mold growth.

It is normal for vanilla beans to develop a white crystalline substance on their surface over time. This so-called "vanilla givre" is actually concentrated vanillin and a sign of a high-quality pod.


Vanilla beans have a long shelf life when stored properly. They can be stored for several years without losing their aroma. In fact, it's often said that like fine wine, vanilla beans get better with age.

We hope these tips will help you get the most out of your Madagascar Vanilla. Remember to always look for quality, store your vanilla properly and enjoy the wonderful flavors this exceptional ingredient has to offer.

conclusion and summary

Having completed our journey through the fascinating world of Madagascar Vanilla, we would like to invite you to use what you have learned and start your own adventures with this extraordinary ingredient. From the deep history of vanilla production in Madagascar, to the unique geographic and climatic conditions that make Madagascar the ideal place to grow vanilla, to the social and economic impact of vanilla production on the people of Madagascar, there is so much to discover and appreciate.

It is the complexity and diversity of Madagascar vanilla that makes it so unique and valuable. Whether you prefer the bold and spicy flavors of Planifolia Red Madagascar, the sweet and fruity notes of Pompona pod hybrid, or the classic vanilla flavors of Planifolia from Madagascar, each variety offers its own taste experience and culinary possibilities.

We've also shared some of our "Classic Vanilla Recipes" to give you a glimpse of how to use the full spectrum of Madagascar Vanilla. Still, the real magic of vanilla is in the way it can inspire your own culinary creations. You might find a new favorite dessert, or maybe discover a new way to spice up a savory dish.

Our journey ends here, but yours is just beginning. We invite you to share your own experiences and favorite Madagascar vanilla recipes. You can reach us on our social media channels or send us an email. We look forward to hearing your stories and learning how Madagascar Vanilla has enriched your cooking and baking.

Finally, we invite you to explore our exclusive selection of vanilla beans from Madagascar. Our Planifolia Red Madagascar, Pompona Pod Hybrid and Planifolia from Madagascar offer you the opportunity to bring the finest vanilla beans straight from Madagascar into your kitchen. Each strain offers a unique flavor profile and endless possibilities for culinary adventures. Discover the true essence of Madagascar vanilla and be inspired by its incomparable aromas.

Thank you for joining us on this journey. We hope that you have enjoyed this journey of discovery as much as we have. Discover the wonders of Madagascar Vanilla and be enchanted by its magic. To your culinary adventures!